Saturday, January 31, 2009

Last day of January ...

Every year .. I take note how January ended for me because it is normally a good indication on how I would fare for the remaining of the year. The last three years (2006 until 2008) were very accurate especially 2008 when it started out great the first three weeks of January and with some confusion by the final week of January.

January 2009 is so far the worst for me. So does that mean 2009 is going to be a really bad year for me? Hmm .. I am not sure but I cannot seem to get a hold of myself lately. I am no longer in control of my life. Situation around me seems to be dictating my judgment and also my sanity. My dreams are becoming more vivid and more often on a similar theme. Worse, my health seems to be spiralling out of control. To add salt to the wound, I currently doing my Master's programme right now.

Can my mind and physical being continue to take the beatings should January represents the whole of 2009? I am so lost ... spiritually and emotionally.

'When I look to the right, I find nothing is right and when I look to the left, there is nothing left'. That's how I feel right now. By the way, I am quoting this from some guy who gave a speech at the Techniker Ball in Graz yesterday. Will quote his name if I can get hold of it.


Roving Soul said...

there is this one quote that i love, dunno who said it, stumbled upon it years ago. "when you are in darkness & nothing seems right, remember oh remember, through the darkness, Allah is the light"

=)) inshaAllah, this will be another wonderful year for you & family.

Anonymous said...

"pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin the process of rebuilding your life...."

citykoos said...

ok, enuf with blogging serious things, u are tagged mister!