Monday, November 24, 2008

140 friends on FB ..

I started out on FB telling myself to only add or accept friends' requests from those that I already know so that I can establish lost friendship and also keep in touch with current friends. I tried my best to make sure I, at least, send a note to all my friends on FB. So far, it has worked fine.

Today, I am loosening some of the self imposed constraints and begin to accept friend request from people that I have not met directly.

Could this be the tipping point? It is time I made friends online as I can't seem to find time to do it 'offline' lately. I seem to know more about my friends' whereabouts and activities through FB anyway as compared to actual physical interactions such as hanging out having coffee or going bowling etc.

Ready or not ... here I come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do that too, i havent accepted any requests from those yang tak kenal. i mean, what is the point if he/she accept me in the list but make no attempt to be a friend.

i have accepted one after several exchanged of messages, he is quite an interesting person and genuinely wants to meet new people. so my the time i accepted the request, i would say i dah kenal la this person lol (note in case your wife is reading this: no no he is not a potential :>)